Alright this is a touchy subject with me. So, maybe I overreacted. I've been told I've been a little bit on edge lately. I don't know why. But Come on. Seriously, Come on. Look at
this comparison between full and wide screen. Who is that guy behind Vader? Was he not supposed to be there? Is that why the director had him cut completely out of the fullscreen version? In the beginning of
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when young Indy is running from dudes, the full screen version has him running from fewer guys. This makes Indy look like a bit of a pussy. I think we all know that Indy is no pussy.
Well Enjoy.
Don't get me started on this man. I hate when u try and tell people and they are like so what. I always said okay I'll take a third of your paycheck since you don't like the black bars.
Again with the widescreen. Dude, a movie is a movie no matter how you watch it.
yo i now how you feel
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